What is MIA?

MIA is a state of the art procedure reserved for an exclusive type of patients who seek to harmonize their breasts with the rest of the body. A diamond shaped implant is inserted with special instruments specifically designed for this procedure.
It is done under local anesthesia with mild sedation through a well-hidden incision. It does not require any hospital stay and the recovery is quick and painless.
There are other privileges that come with MIA like a trained professional who will assist you through your experience (concierge service), a dedicated limousine to take you to and from the hospital as very generous warranty program.
Dr. Melki is one of three MIA certified surgeons in Lebanon who are allowed to perform this procedure and who can tell you whether you are a good candidate or not.
If you want to know more, do not hesitate to call the clinic for a special MIA appointment.

MIA’s main talking points:
  • 1. Performed by especially trained surgeons. No one else is allowed to do it.
  • 2. First time breast augmentation
  • 3. Cannot be done if lifting is needed.
  • 4. Change 1-2 cup sizes
  • 5. One-day procedure, quick (15 minutes), rapid resumption of normal activity
  • 6. Small and hidden scar in the arm pit
  • 7. Implant with very unique design
  • 8. Lifetime warranty